Wanczyk Nursery is proud to be a part of our community. Each year, we are asked to support a variety of worthwhile charitable causes and events, and we make every effort to accommodate as many requests as possible. Due to the large volume of requests we receive, we are not able to reply with the status of each request or to accept telephone or in-person requests. Please remember that submitting a request does not guarantee a donation.
Donation Request Submission Guidelines:
Organizations must complete the DONATION REQUEST FORM to be considered.
All donation requests should be submitted via email to apwanczyknursery@gmail.com or sent via postal mail to:
Wanczyk Nursery
attn. Donations
PO BOX 607
Hadley, MA 01035
Wanczyk Nursery will only consider requests from nonprofit organizations and their fundraising efforts in the local Pioneer Valley area.
Requests are filled at the discretion of Wanczyk Nursery.
Requests must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the event.
Organizations are limited to one (1) request per twelve month period.
Donations will be mailed out prior to the date of the event.
Donations will be given in the form of a Wanczyk Nursery gift card; valid on in-store merchandise at Wanczyk Nursery. Donations of products/materials do not include delivery or transportation services. No cash donations will be made.
Wanczyk Nursery is unable to donate to for-profit companies, including employee/volunteer appreciation days and holiday events.